Buy Your Livestock

Cookies Policy

  2. Cookies are small data files that are stored in your web browser on your computer, tablet or smartphone (each a "Device") when you visit our website. They enable our website to remember your actions and preferences over a certain period of time.
    Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you do not want to allow cookies or only allow the use of certain types of cookies, please refer to your browser settings which should allow you to accept or deny cookies (please read section [6] below for more details about how to do this). You can also use the browser settings to withdraw your consent to the use of cookies at any time or delete cookies that have already been set on your Device. Keep in mind that by disabling certain categories of cookies, you may be prevented from accessing some features of our websites. You should be able to find more in depth information about opting out of cookies on your browser settings menu.

  4. Yes, we use cookies and similar technologies (hereinafter collectively referred to as “cookies”) to enhance the customer experience of using our websites. The information is used to customise your visit by storing your search details to the browser, saving your shortlists and for interacting with social media platforms from within our site. By storing cookies it enables us to save your recent searches and the holidays you have viewed, in order to save you time when you revisit the site.
    We use third party cookies and may place or identify a unique cookie, from the customer referred to in the advertisement, on your browser. By placement of the advertisement, information about your visit to the website is collected (e.g. how often you have seen an advertisement).
    We also use cookies and software tools to collect and analyse site usage data, related to customer use and patterns. This data is used to improve our Websites and enhance user experience.

  6. We use cookies for the following purposes:

    • To customize your visit.
    • To improve our websites.
    • To save a customer’s recent searches to save them time when revisiting our websites.
    • To provide customers with advertising that is relevant (third parties are involved in providing this).
    • To analyse and compile collected data to build a profile about customers.
    • For statistical purposes such as:
      • Pages viewed during a visit.
      • Type of device, OS, screen size.
      • Data is used to improve existing features and user experience on desktop, mobile, etc.
    • To collect the following information:
      • Information regarding what customers search for.
      • Information on what customers view.
      • Information on what customers click on.
      • Information on what customers access in and through the websites, our marketing emails, and text messages including pages visited within our websites.
      • Information regarding customer shortlists.
      • Date, geographic location, and time customer visits our websites.
      • Data related to customer use and patterns on websites.
      • Data regarding products and services customers have visited.
      • Data regarding type of browser being used (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer)
      • The website from which the user has accessed our websites.
      • Websites users went to when they left our sites.
      • Data regarding how often users visit and use the websites.

  8. General Information

    Source (Where cookies come from)

    First Party Cookies

    These cookies are provided by us and used by various features on our site. Examples may include customizing a user’s visit, providing statistical information, and verifying a user’s identity for security purposes

    Third Party Cookies

    These cookies are provided by “Third Party” vendors who provide products and features we have integrated into our site. Examples include social media sites, ad networks, and security systems.

    Expiration (How long cookies last)

    Session Cookies

    These cookies are added when a user starts to browse our site or interacts with a specific feature and are deleted when the browser is closed.

    Persistent Cookies

    These cookies are added when a user starts to browse our site or interacts with a specific feature, but may remain stored on your device until a certain termination date is reached (in terms of minutes, days or years from the creation/update of the cookie). Cookies used by us have a maximum period of 2 years from the date when they are initially installed or if they are subsequently updated, from the date of the update.

    Type (What application uses the cookie)

    Email Cookies

    These cookies are added by programs we use to send various mass marketing e-mail campaigns. They are used to track statistics about the mail campaign.

    Flash Cookies

    These cookie are added when a browser displays a Flash application. Flash is used to display some versions of our digital publications. The cookie may be used to track statistical information pertaining to the digital publication, such as pages were viewed.

    Website Cookies

    These cookies are added when browsing our website. Their uses may vary, however, to give an impression of which website cookies we use and how they work, please see the list below.

  10. You can control the cookies placed and retained on your Device. The Privacy Notice and this Cookie Policy are provided to be transparent about our practices regarding the use of cookies and similar tracking technology and to allow you the opportunity to make an informed choice.
    Where applicable, we will obtain your prior informed consent to use cookies and other tracking technologies which store or access information on your Device. Most browsers accept cookies automatically but they can be set up to ask for your prior consent before an individual cookie is set on your Device. This will give you control over your cookies, however, it may interfere with your browsing experience as some websites may not function properly and you may not be able to take advantage of all the features offered by our website.
    For instructions on blocking and deleting cookies, see the privacy and help documentation of your specific browser’s website. If you use more Devices and/or browsers you will need to disable cookies on each Device and on each browser separately. Here are the locations of the cookie settings for all major web browsers:

    • Internet Explorer - Tools > Internet Options > Privacy tab.
    • Mozilla Firefox - Tools > Options > Privacy menu.
    • Safari Users - Edit > Preferences > Privacy menu.
    • Chrome Users - Settings > Content Settings > Privacy > Cookies.

    If you limit the ability of our websites to set cookies, this may prevent you from using certain features of our website properly and your user experience – which is no longer personalized for you – may deteriorate. You may also be able to opt-out from certain cookies through third party cookie management sites. Disabling cookies may prevent you from using certain parts of our websites. If you delete your cookies from the browser, you may need to remember to re-install opt-out cookies.

  12. You can find more information about cookies by visiting the following information websites:

    Last updated 2018-05-23